This is a great video about the health decline in America. Click here.
General Health
Dangers of GMO Foods
Please stop eating corn or limit consumption to Oregon Tilth Certified Organic corn (USDA certification permits GMO). Corn now manufactures its own pesticide which causes insects to die of gastro-intestinal bleeding. The same thing happens in our digestive tract causing inflammation, leaky gut and eventually causing other health disasters.
Non-GMO Shopping Guide
Here is a link for a non-GMO shopping guide. There is even a link to download the list to your iPhone.
Halloween Treat Options
Halloween often marks the beginning of a season of diet temptations that are contrary to our health goals. We CAN stay healthy through the winter! Click here for some ideas!!
Music–For Your Brain!
This is a great article summarizing the benefits of music on the brain. Listening/engaging skills are also listed. Read more here!!
Solvents Increase Risk of Birth Defects
The common cleaning products you have under your sink may be increasing the risk of birth defects in your baby. The good news–save your health, that of your baby’s, and your budget by using baking soda and vinegar to clean your home!! And almond oil (from the grocery section) makes […]
GMO “Train Wreck”–Weeds are becoming resistant . . .
So, those GMO-crops that are “Round-up Ready” have generated weeds resistant to Round-up. Now we have GMO-crops that can be sprayed with Round-up (that we then consume, wear, etc.!) with weeds that will grow anyway. A quote from this article: “It’s been a slowly unfolding train wreck,” said Charles Benbrook, […]
Stress and Diabetes
New research is indicating that stress may cause “de”-generation of the pancreatic cells responsible for making insulin. Brings a whole new dimension to the importance of stress management. Please ensure that you include stress reduction as part of your daily living: deep breathing, exercise, fun, love, walks in nature, etc. […]
A Perspective on Healthy Eating
This is a “well-put” article on why many don’t eat healthfully, and the importance of doing so!
Gluten–Please stop eating it . . .
If you haven’t noticed by now, I am a firm believer that we must eliminate gluten from our diets in order to sustain and/or return to a healthy state. Many ask “why” and the answer is long. The bottom line is that wheat has become so altered (many call it […]