Nutrition and Diet

Cancer, Nutrition and Diet

Limit Red Meat, Please

Please understand the overall picture.  Recent research is confirming the link between red meat and both colon and bladder cancers.  They are finding that this is due to the proteins and iron found naturally in the meat.  I would love to see research regarding the difference, if any, between 100% […]

Nutrition and Diet


I’ve tried this pemmican–it’s delicious and a great resource of healthy protein and fat.  I would use it as a snack between meals (only a bite or two), or to store for hard times.  Check out their website:  US Wellness Meats.

Nutrition and Diet, Weight Loss

Chocolate Linked to Lower BMI

You read that right! New findings reveal that consumption of chocolate (high cacao content and without junky additives) can improve your BMI!  I recently found a wonderful brand that has only whole ingredients by “Stirs the Soul”, a Portland, OR-based company.  My favorite flavor is Cayenne Cinnamon Chocolate–ingredient list is” […]

Digestion, General Health, Nutrition and Diet

Dangers of GMO Foods

Please stop eating corn or limit consumption to Oregon Tilth Certified Organic corn (USDA certification permits GMO). Corn now manufactures its own pesticide which causes insects to die of gastro-intestinal bleeding. The same thing happens in our digestive tract causing inflammation, leaky gut and eventually causing other health disasters.