
Gluten, Nutrition and Diet

Gluten-Free Recipe Ideas

This article has some great ideas for gluten-free meals and snacks.  A couple words of caution:  1–use only freshly ground flax seed (do not buy the pre-ground meal) and 2–use gluten-free baked goods as treats only (they are low in nutrients and high in carbohydrates).  Other than that:  Enjoy!!


Naturopathic Approach to Celiac Disease

This is a brief and informative video by Dr. Christine Doherty regarding Celiac disease.  In particular, she addresses the reasons why many people with Celiac do not feel better on a gluten-free diet.  Since Celiac disease is a multi-system disease, it must be approached as such.  To restore optimal health, […]



Here is another article reporting the increased incidence of gluten intolerance as well as summarizing some gluten-free food options.  PLEASE note that currently in the United States there is no requirement for calling a food “gluten-free”.  In Europe, the standard is < 20 ppm gluten to be labeled gluten-free.  Companies […]

Brain and Nervous System Health, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain, Gluten, Nutrition and Diet

Headaches–and your diet

This is a great article which summarizes food choices which are common triggers for headaches, but also those which may reduce them.  A trigger that they didn’t mention is gluten–so try elimination of gluten, too, if you struggle with headaches.  Schedule an appointment if you have frequent headaches or headaches […]

Brain and Nervous System Health, General Health, Gluten, Nutrition and Diet

Gluten Sensitivity and Science

The media has recently been referencing a report that “Italian researchers found that the Google mentions (of gluten-sensitivity) far outweighed mentions in the medical literature, at a ratio of 4,598 to one.”  This is being used as another basis that many are gluten-free unnecessarily.  Let me put this in perspective: […]

Brain and Nervous System Health, General Health, Gluten

Rice Consumption Linked with Arsenic

Please read the attached article implicating rice consumption with arsenic exposure.  This is particularly interesting to me as I’ve had patients with elevated levels of arsenic but no known sources of exposure.  Those on gluten-free diets should also be especially careful as many gluten-free baked goods use rice flour instead.  […]


There IS a difference between Celiac and Gluten intolerance.

Standard medical evaluation (limited blood test and biopsy) may reveal Celiac although there can be false negatives.  Stool analysis (EnteroLabs) or comprehensive blood evaluation (Cyrex Labs Array 3) may more accurately assess for an autoimmune reaction to gluten or wheat.  In addition, many people are simply intolerant to gluten.  To […]