
Cancer, Gluten

Celiac Lesions Linked with Lymphoma

Research is revealing that unhealed intestinal lesions from Celiac disease may increase the risk of lymphoma. From an allopathic viewpoint (MD, DO), the only means of healing the GI tract is via a gluten-free diet. Naturopathic physicians know, however, that appropriate use of nutraceuticals can be very beneficial. Certainly, a […]

Cancer, Nutrition and Diet

Fish Oils Kill Mouth and Skin Cancer

This is exciting news and just another reason to include trout and salmon in your diet!! AANP via Carcinogenesis – Fish Oil Kills Skin, Mouth Cancer Cells In Lab – (Tuesday, August 06, 2013)–New research has found that omega-3 fatty acids, contained in oily fish such as salmon and trout, killed human skin […]

Cancer, Nutrition and Diet

Red Meat and Cancer??

Here is an article from Medscape reviewing the recent findings that red meat is linked with increased risk of cancer. Please note that the research is based primarily on the consumption of PROCESSED MEATS including hot dogs, bologna, sausages, etc. I would love to see a study that evaluates the […]

Cancer, Detox, Immune Health

Evaluating Impact of Chemical Exposure

Cyrex Labs (a favorite of mine) has just introduced a new panel which helps identify environmental exposures which may be contributing to immune reactivity and autoimmune reactions (i.e., chronic diseases). Read more about it by clicking here. And schedule an appointment if you have chemical sensitivities, chronic fatigue or chronic […]

Cancer, Nutrition and Diet

Colon Cancer and Meats

This is just another article reporting on the link between “red and processed meats” and poorer outcomes for those with colon cancer. Recent research has admitted that the problem may be the processed meats and the additives in the red meats (not just the beef itself). Bottom line: do NOT […]