Heart Health

Heart Health

CoQ10 for Your Heart

Love this news reported by Dr. Katz:  “The punch line was refreshingly straightforward: The CoQ10 group had half the mortality rate, and half as many adverse cardiac events, as the placebo group. Both findings were of clear statistical significance. That they were of stunning clinical significance is all but self-evident, […]

Heart Health, Nutrition and Diet

Keep Eating Those Veggies and Fruits

Gosh, I’ve probably already used this post title before, but the fact remains that research continues to reinforce the importance of including vegetables and fruits in our diets. Here is yet another review.  In general, I recommend 9 servings of vegetables daily (no, that does NOT include potatoes) plus several […]

Heart Health

Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease

Did you know that heart disease is the number one killer of men and women over 20 years old?  And that there can be damage that you may not even know about? This article includes recommendations to reduce your risk. Please also schedule an appointment–laboratory studies can also be ordered […]

Heart Health, Nutrition and Diet

Fats for Your Health

More research is being revealed that confirms omega-6 consumption with increased risk of death relative to diets rich in animal fats. This report “found that increasing omega-6 PUFA from safflower oil increased death rates from cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, and all-cause mortality when compared to a diet rich in […]