
Exercise, General Health

Goat Yoga

I just learned about this new “twist” on yoga to further its therapeutic benefits: Goat Yoga!! Unfortunately for us Portland-Vancouver folks, the locations would be a bit of a commute. Hoping that closer options will become available. Check out their website at http://www.goatyoga.net/goat-therapy/

Exercise, General Health

Go Fidget!

You’ve probably already heard the health risks of a sedentary lifestyle, including sitting at your desk all day! Good to know is that even “fidgeting” can reduce some of the risks! And there still is no substitute for adequate movement and exercise! 🙂 Check out this article.

Aging, Exercise

Midlife Mood Swings?? Try These Ideas . . .

A significant number of women (and men, too) begin to suffer from mood-swings as they approach mid-life. Contributing factors are hormone changes, poor sleep, and stress. Sound familiar?? Exercise is at the top of the list to combat this. In addition, inclusion of small amounts of grain may support serotonin […]


Walking–“Superfood of Fitness”

Having a difficult time getting your exercise in? Seems like walking may be just the ticket!! Park or take the bus to about 1.5 miles from your office and walk the rest of the way! That way, you can start and end your work-day with this “superfood”! Read more here.