
Nutrition and Diet

Eating For Energy

Another article that again points us to WHOLE foods in order to optimize energy. Meats, fish, poultry, veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, and eggs are power-packed (and much easier on your budget than power drinks and pills!). Skip the grains, though!!

Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain

Aspartame and Fibromyalgia

Do you hurt? Do you consume aspartame? If you answered yes to both those questions (or even just the second one!), stop consuming aspartame! Click here.  (By the way, I deliberately use the term “consuming” instead of “eating” because “eating” implies some nutritive value).

General Health

Travel Safely!

The CDC reports that injuries, not illnesses, are the most common cause of death while traveling overseas. Please use safety precautions just as you would at home (or more so as the case may be!). Read more ideas here.

Weight Loss

Mushrooms for Weight Loss?

If you are trying to lose weight, you may want to try this approach: replacing meat with mushrooms for one meal per day has been associated with weight loss. Do be sure to cook ALL mushrooms prior to eating however.