
Weight Loss

Eat Breakfast to Help Lose Weight

Are you skipping breakfast in attempts to lose weight?? You may want to rethink and include a healthy meal in the morning. Research has shown that those who eat breakfast burn more calories! So, saute up some veggies with an egg, or whip up that veggie smoothie before you head […]


Parlez-vous Francais??

They’ve found that speaking multiple languages is associated with improved mental function as we age!! So, let’s get learning another one! French? Spanish? Russian? Italian? Thai? Mandarin? Japanese? Maybe we could keep our minds alert forever by learning more and more languages?? 🙂 Read more here.


Chronodisruption and Cancer

So, what does THAT mean?? Let me explain:  The WHO has determined that working at night is likely carcinogenic. New research is linking the increased risk of cancer to night-time “bright lights”. The exposure to light at night causes disruption in the individual’s body clock which may be linked to […]


Melatonin and Bone Strength?

This is exciting research revealing that melatonin may help improve bone health in the elderly. Keep in mind that studies have been completed on rats only AND that there can be hormonal side effects to using melatonin (such as suppressing adrenal function). Check with your naturopathic physician before supplementing melatonin.

Weight Loss

Hunger and Obesity?

This article puts a new spin on the difficulties of losing weight. Their question is: What if it is not an increased appetite causing weight gain, but weight gain causing increased appetite. Their theory is an interesting one which will require more research. Read more here.

Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain

Fibromyalgia Diagnosing

Better diagnostic abilities may be on the horizon for those suffering fro fibromyalgia. This may help many sufferers get medical attention in the standard medical model. Naturopathic models are helpful regardless of definite diagnosis of fibromyalgia as our goal is to support overall health and reduce the pain/inflammation of fibromyalgia.