Women’s Health

Nutrition and Diet, Women's Health

Support Your Local Chicken Farmer!

Here is a report of a link between consumption of antibiotic-laden chicken meat with increased risk of urinary bladder infections in women.  Selecting naturally-raised chickens from local farmers:  this reduces of antibiotic contamination, supports your local farmers, reduces carbon footprint, and supports more humane treatment of our food.  🙂

Nutrition and Diet, Women's Health

Fertility Support

There is evidence that including healthy fats in your diet may increase the effectiveness of in vitro fertilization success.  I would add that including healthy fats in your diet will likely improve your fertility and pregnancy regardless.  Healthy fats include avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, and butter (from exclusively grass-fed […]

Women's Health

Hormone Therapy Considerations

This research recommends against the use of hormone therapy after menopause for the protection against dementia and osteoporosis.  My approach is to determine each woman’s specific needs–often nutritional deficiencies, adrenal fatigue or other factors are contributing to menopausal symptoms.

Women's Health

Enhance Fertility with Sleep

This is a very interesting article on the benefits of stable sleep patterns for fertility.  The study demonstrated that mice who maintained a constant sleep pattern were most likely to carry there pregnancies to term.  The change in sleep patterns effected early pregnancy in particular.  We do not know if […]

Women's Health

Birth Control and Hormone Replacement Considerations

This article summarizes great information regarding oral birth control (OBC) and hormone replacement therapy (HT).  Please read this if you are considering using either hormone approach so that you may understand both the benefits and the risks of these treatments.  Also know that there are many natural options available.