Brain and Nervous System Health

Brain and Nervous System Health, Children's Health, Diabetes, General Health, Nutrition and Diet

Cut the Sugar

Amazing how in just days of stopping sugar consumption health improvements are realized. I still remember flipping open an eclectic reference book from the National College of Natural Medicine library and reading an excerpt expounding on the evils of artificial sweeteners. The book was published in 1902 and detailed how […]

ADD/ADHD, Brain and Nervous System Health, Children's Health

Support Children’s Brain Development–Turn Off the Screens

Research continues to support limiting screen time for our children. The attached article has great information. Bottom line–limiting screen time improves the ability to focus, sleep quality, and body weight. Get out and shoot some hoops, play kick-the-can, bicycle, etc., instead!!–ever so much more fun anyway!!

Brain and Nervous System Health

Rebuilding Those Neurons

There has been a lot of growth in the area of neuroplasticity as we witness the miracles of the brain. We can actually exercise the neurons as well as provide specific nutrients for them. I have completed studies in functional neurology and would love to work with you. Check out […]

Brain and Nervous System Health

Leaky Brain??

Many people have heard about leaky gut–when the gastrointestinal barrier becomes compromised leading to overall inflammation and dis-ease. But “leaky brain” is not as well-known. Did you know that gluten can compromise the blood-brain barrier as much or more than the GI barrier? Did you know that once the blood-brain […]