With so much fear about COVID-19, I’ve been trying to determine what might be helpful to share without bogging down all that you are already reading. I’ve decided to share some of the things I do to support my health, hoping that you find them helpful as well. PLEASE NOTE, there are NO known cures to the Coronavirus. The Coronavirus family along with the Rhinovirus family are responsible for the common cold–still no cure unless you want to try Granny’s cure (from the Beverly Hillbillies–1 single teaspoon of her concoction and folks were well in 10 days, hmmmm). And COVID-19 is clearly NOT a common cold so additional measures should be taken.
First and foremost, follow CDC guidelines:
o WASH YOUR HANDS frequently.
o Keep your hands away from your face
o Stay home if you are sick–this is best for your recovery as well as to prevent spread of any illness.
o Call your doctor if you are ill and need medical attention–they will guide you on where and when to go.
Some additional things that may help–keeping in mind that there are no known cures to date:
1. We know that those who are deficient in certain nutrients can be more susceptible to illness and/or complications of illness. Sufficient nutrients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and zinc are important. Ensuring that you are at least getting these in a multivitamin may be helpful. Vit. D at 2,000 iu – 6,000 iu temporarily may be helpful. Higher doses of other nutrients may also be indicated–check with your doctor.
2. Avoid sugar! The equivalent of one can of soda has been shown to suppress immunity for up to 8 hours!
3. Include lots of leafy greens, colorful vegetables, and fruit in your diet. So far, I’ve noticed that the produce departments have stayed fairly well-stocked with the exception of spinach (try kale, swiss chard, beet greens, turnip greens, dandelion greens, even carrot greens!).
4. But AVOID oranges and bananas if you have any congestion as they can thicken mucus secretions and aggravate congestion. Dairy and soy can do this, too.
5. Bone broths and vegetable broths are nutrient-packed–make them into some nourishing soups. Include garlic, onion, rosemary, thyme, sage, oregano–these each have antimicrobial properties and make for some delicious meals, too!
6. NAC has been shown to reduce congestion–if you are sick, you may want to try a 600 mg dose between meals and see if it helps you.
7. Warming socks hydrotherapy–This is one of my favorites since it supports circulation (including that of your white blood cells that fight infection) and reduces congestion. You will need a pair of cotton socks as well as a pair of wool socks (at least 80% wool). Wet the foot part of the cotton socks in cool water and wring them to just damp. Place them on your bathroom counter next to your dry wool socks. Warm your feet in a footbath, tub or shower. Pat your feet dry, put on the damp cotton socks, then the dry wool socks and go to bed (go directly to bed, “Do not pass Go, do not collect 200”). If you are active after applying this treatment you may get chilled. If you do get chilled (for any reason), remove the socks and warm your feet. Do NOT do this treatment if you have reduced sensation in your feet or compromised circulation–check with your doctor first.
8. Steam inhalation–with or without essential oils. If you don’t have time to complete steam inhalation, inhaling the scent of essential oil may reduce congestion and support recovery.
9. Get plenty of sleep! There is no substitute for adequate sleep.
10. Stay well-hydrated!