
Diabetes, General Health


Many people have undiagnosed diabetes. As a result, they are not making changes to optimize their health and reduce the progression of this disease. Read this article for ways to improve your health–even if you’re not at risk for diabetes!


“New” Diabetes on the Rise

Please be aware that Type I diabetes is on the rise, in adults and children. This is an autoimmune disease that eventually requires insulin treatment. There are many things that individuals can do to reduce the risk of diabetes and it’s progression–please call for an appointment if you have concerns […]

Brain and Nervous System Health, Cancer, Children's Health, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain, General Health, Heart Health, Nutrition and Diet

Vitamin D–For Your Health!

This is a wonderful slideshow of recent findings on the importance of Vit. D. Current blood level goal is 60. Sadly, insurance companies are starting to refuse coverage of Vitamin D testing despite the overwhelming research that indicates its importance.