Studies are revealing a potential increase in the risk of autism to children born of mothers exposed to pesticides. Yes, this includes Round-Up. I’m attaching the article for you to read. I could wax poetic on the dangers of pesticides and herbicides, including the “inactive ingredients” that are also toxic (they are labelled “inactive” because they do not have the pesticide or herbicide effect, but are toxic none-the-less!). Choose organic as much as your budget permits– can help with decision-making in your purchases. Do not use pesticides and herbicides in your yards–your home is the one place you have control over how the environment is treated. Love your weeds (OK, I am still working on this one–but I do love my dandelions, it’s just those “seed-popper” weeds that make me nuts! . . . OK, I’m on a tangent now . . .). My hope–for your health and that of your family and loved ones.