Women’s Health

Cancer, Nutrition and Diet, Women's Health

Folic Acid May Increase Risk of Breast Cancer

Please read:  SYNTHETIC “folic acid” supplementation has been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.There has been much confusion about folic acid versus folate–including using the terms interchangeably. However, they are NOT the same and many people cannot convert the synthetic folic acid that is used in supplements. Foods […]

Women's Health

Oral Birth Control Pills are Linked with Glaucoma

Researchers are reporting an increased risk of glaucoma in women who have been on oral birth control for more than 3 years. Please consider other fertility-control options including the diaphragm or condoms. These barrier methods have the benefit of not exposing you to hormone therapy, too. And condoms reduce the […]

Nutrition and Diet, Women's Health

Pesticides and Endometriosis

This research finds that exposure to pesticides is associated with an increased risk of endometriosis in women. Endometriosis causes tremendous pain and infertility in many women. Eat organic foods as much as possible and PLEASE–for your health and that of the environment, quit using pesticides . . .  and educate […]