Healthy Habits Linked to Better Memory

This seems obvious, but good news none-the-less!

AANP – Lower Risk Of Memory Problems Linked To Number Of Healthy Behaviors – (Monday, June 03, 2013)–Researchers report that the number of positive behaviors an individual adopts is associated with a lower risk of mild memory complaints. (Healthy behaviors have long been linked to a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, but less has been known about the potential link between lifestyle and milder memory complaints.) Over 18,500 individuals were surveyed about their memory and health behaviors, including smoking, diet, and how many days a week involved 30 minutes of exercise, or five or more servings of fruits and vegetables. Healthy eating, not smoking, and exercising regularly were related to better self-perceived memory for most age groups. Those engaging in just one healthy behavior were 21 percent less likely to report memory problems than those with no healthy behaviors. Those with two healthy behaviors were 45 percent less likely to report problems, those with three were 75 percent less likely, and those with more than three were 111 percent less likely.

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