Natural Cleaners??

Even so-called “natural cleaners” may contain dangerous chemicals. A big part of the problem is that companies are not required to label cleaning products ingredients. And sources of dangerous chemicals can be  hidden in different terms such as “fragrance”.  Your best bet? Make your own! There are many simple and effective options. For example, this article recommends adding baking soda to liquid soap for a bathroom scrub. Here is another link to some great ideas! You can even use just baking soda to clean toilets, etc. And guess what works best on windows and mirrors? water and a flour-sack cotton cloth. Use caution with essential oils as well. Many companies use solvents to extract the essential oil and then dangerous residues can be present in the final product. And PLEASE avoid triclosan which is in many anti-bacterial soaps and toothpastes! The FDA has even put a ban on triclosan but it isn’t in effect until September 2017. To your health!!

Natural Cleaning Options
Natural Cleaning Options

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